Shamanic Yoga

Shamanic Yoga is a movement, training and meditation that integrates Native spiritual knowledge with Yoga and Chakra Dance. It’s purpose is to connect your physical and etheric bodies through a higher state of consciousness, bringing you to full awareness of yourself at all levels.
I have channeled the movements and practice through numerous sacred ceremonies. This technique helps both physically and energetically; the movements are designed to oxygenate your body and move the energy through the internal channels of the chakras and nervous system. At the same time they require muscular work, resulting in a firmer and fitter physical body.
This course will help to create unification and integration within the perception of the person who practices it, obtaining greater self-awareness, fluid communication with the physical body and a sensitive understanding of energy and the emotions.
We currently have 3 Journeys for you
The Asian Cat Journey
It activates the capacity for self-mastery, the discipline of the Self and the activation codes of the physical body for detoxification and rejuvenation. It is called “the cat” because it demands flexibility and fluidity.
The Egyptian Goddess Journey
Explore the sacred feminine energy, sensuality, kundalini, the sacral chakra and the physical activation of the wings of light, with the aim of awakening the ascension codes kept by ancient Egyptians.
The American Shaman Journey
Trance accompanied by drum music and hypnotic sounds that explore animal movements and shamanic dances. The objective is to awaken the inner SHAMAN, the memories in our DNA about ancient native wisdom.
Consult your doctor before performing the routine if you have any critical bone or muscle condition. Sound is very important to live the experience, since it is designed to be hypnotic, so it is important to have a good speaker or headphones. Perform the routine in a suitable space where there are no dangerous objects since at times it is asked to close your eyes.
Course Shamanic Yoga
We currently have 3 Journeys for you

The American Shaman Journey
Trance accompanied by drum music and hypnotic sounds that explore animal movements and shamanic dances. The objective is to awaken the inner SHAMAN, the memories in our DNA about ancient native wisdom.