We offer courses that will give you the tools to experience a life in the 5th dimension and manifest your reality.
5th Dimension Life
Learn to use it to analyse your energy health and restore your own balance. You’ll also discover the energy potential of situations and opportunities for better decision-making.
Trance accompanied by drum music and hypnotic sounds that explore animal movements and shamanic dances. The objective is to awaken the inner SHAMAN, the memories in our DNA about ancient native wisdom.
Explore the sacred feminine energy, sensuality, kundalini, the sacral chakra and the physical activation of the wings of light, with the aim of awakening the ascension codes kept by ancient Egyptians.
It activates the capacity for self-mastery, the discipline of the Self and the activation codes of the physical body for detoxification and rejuvenation. It is called "the cat" because it demands flexibility and fluidity.