Michelle Acosta
5th Dimension Life
Welcome to the new Planetary Age! Enter Fifth Dimensional consciousness with me to create a higher, better, brighter experience of life!
Learn about the fifth dimension of consciousness here!

Michelle Acosta
5th Dimension Life
Fifth dimensional consciousness requires a change of perspective. My aim is to help you achieve this by creating sacred spaces, helpful resources and useful tools including meditations, courses, inspiration videos and products to help you live a fifth dimensional life.

5th Dimension Life
My courses are channeled to help you expand your consciousness towards abundance, manifestation, joy and empowerment AMEN PITHA!

Learn to use it to analyse your energy health and restore your own balance. You’ll also discover the energy potential of situations and opportunities for better decision-making.

Expand your spiritual awakening with me!
Are you looking to heal from physical injury or illness, recover from emotional pain or trauma, restore your natural balance, connect with ancient wisdom, create your own sacred space or even move to the next level of spiritual understanding? If so, I have many alternative healing therapies that will help you transform your life.
5th Dimension Life
Find all the tools to transform your life!

Fill yourself with their healing abilities
Expand your spiritual awakening
Perfect tool for Rituals and Ceremonies
Live your truth!
Find your path
Free resources
Created in order to complement your experience
5th Dimension Life
Mujeres conscientes arriba!
El proceso de evolución de la mujer requiere de mucho trabajo ya que a través de varias décadas la mujer fue tratada como ser humano de segunda...
Hombres conscientes arriba!
La energía masculina ha sido distorsionada durante mucho tiempo, usted querido lector sabrá que esta Era se hace muy difícil para su género, por una...
Consciencia de si mismo
Ser consciente de si mismo significa tomar conciencia del momento presente, en donde en primer lugar entendemos sin juzgar, sin reflexionar o...
What my clients say